

较低的学校 Celebrates the Class of 2028

“世界迫切需要改变, and while there are not a lot of answers, I remain hopeful and confident we can make the world the place we want it to be because of you and people like you, 四年级,低年级校长Dr. 弗朗西斯Yasharian told the Class of 2028 on their Graduation day, June 11.


传统上, 在“鼓掌”,” Grade 4 streams out of the Park Slope building passing clapping teachers and students, out the front door into the sunshine and down the steps to their proud, 鼓掌的父母. 今年, 父母, 兄弟姐妹, and families clapped out the Class of 2028 at 1 PM in an enthusiastic prerecorded video presentation.

“今天是个大日子!” Dr. Yasharian开始. “Happy Clapping Out… We hope you had a great time in 较低的学校 and we are going to miss you when you move on to the 中学. 好了……”

Each graduate’s name in the video was greeted by sustained clapping and cheers. “加油,保利四年级学生. 干得好,四年级学生!“毕业快乐!”!和“祝贺你”!的声音盖过了掌声. Some younger 兄弟姐妹 even danced for joy.

“We’ll see you in a few hours at the graduation…” Dr. Yasharian said at the conclusion of Clapping Out.


At 6:30 PM, before a closed red theater curtain, Dr. Yasharian welcomed families, teachers, and guests to the “first online 较低的学校 Graduation.” He shared a link to a live-streamed event. Grade 4B Head Teacher Larry Maley invited the audience to comment on the chat feature during the evening before sending it back to Dr. Yasharian. who invited them to “celebrate the learning and growth of these remarkable boys and girls.今年, 他说, he had seen their courage performing onstage, and taking the initiative to write for the first 较低的学校 newspaper or to create a virtual news channel. “I have been inspired by your sense of fairness, 同理心, and justice as you have discussed racism, 气候变化, and injustice of all types… You have grown so much this year and throughout your entire time in the 较低的学校. 今晚我们为你庆祝.”


Grade 4A Head Teacher Garrett Kennedy commiserated with 父母 that quarantine may have seemed like living out the movie 土拨鼠日, 但 said the 26 四年级的学生 had given their teachers “little, 然而,重要的, victories each day” with their “perspectives on real-life issues” including the murder of George Floyd. Kennedy said it was important for Grade 4, 今年谁学过奴隶制, to “never forget George Floyd’s name” and to “use this tragedy as a catalyst to truly make this a better place….”

Kennedy closed with a quote from “the great philosopher” 利瓦伊维.M. ‘28 from a discussion about identity: “People are like clay. 在我们生命的开始, 我们的父母塑造了它, 但, 随着时间的推移, we have to take over the shaping to form our own identity.”


Kennedy then introduced the first student speaker, 三叶草G. ’28. Clover, who attended 较低的学校 since Nursery, recalled her favorite memories. One was 四年级 dance, when she had to strike a pose and was then lifted by classmates. 她说:“我认识他们. 他们不会让我放弃的.” 

Head Teacher Larry Maley and Associate Teacher Chris Sideli shared a “day in the life of a 四年级r”  in a heartwarming video full of smiles that kept the chat feature jumping with comments.

米克瓦. '28

米克瓦. ’28 第二个学生是演讲者吗. He recounted all that Grade 4 had learned in 较低的学校 including reading, 计数, 写作, 编码, 编排, 博彩网站排名大桥是怎么建成的, 偶数分数. They had visited Ellis Island in their study of immigration, learned about their community and ecology, created Colonial and Native American villages, 缩绒寿司, 并开始制作艺术凳子. But of the “long list of incredible things” they learned, 米克说, “The most important was how to be good people.” Mick thanked 父母 and 较低的学校 teachers before telling his classmates, “You are amazing and you are all going to rock 中学. 我们开始吧!”

Students then shared their free verse poetry about feelings, 埃利斯岛的名字墙, 开学第一天, 四年级, 被卡住了, 一个完美的地方, 还有“一个大的定格游戏”.”

Associate Teacher Mary Rice introduced videos of the students’ favorite memories of 较低的学校 including walking over the Brooklyn Bridge, 参观埃利斯岛, 绘画俱乐部, 从t恤到手提袋, 把储物柜, and meeting new friends on the first day.

Dr. Yasharian then asked 父母 to have the 保利预科 pin and graduation certificate handy. “我叫你名字的时候, 四年级的学生, 请站起来,他说, before calling the full names of all 26 members of the Class of 2028. 然后,他引起了一阵热烈的掌声.

“We know you are ready for fifth grade and beyond. As a symbol of your growth and preparedness, we present you with your 较低的学校 diploma. Grownups, you may hand the certificate to your child.”

低年级主任博士. 弗朗西斯Yasharian

“As a symbol of our support, admiration, and love, we present you with a 保利预科 较低的学校 pin. Grownups, please fix the pin over your child’s heart. May this pin serve as a reminder that while you may be leaving the 较低的学校, we will always be with you and you with us, 在我们的心中,在我们的思想里, and you will always have a home in the 较低的学校.”

A video of photos depicting the Class of 2028 from babyhood to their current tween selves caused the chat feature to go wild at the cuteness and amazement at how fast 10 years can go. Some very exuberant Grade 4 dancing concluded the video celebration.

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