

午餐 & 学习工作坊:学生讨论种族主义的空间


在乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被谋杀后,教职员工和学生领导了午餐会 & Learn Workshops on June 9 to give Grades 7-12 students 和 faculty a space to discuss racism.

午餐 & “学习是一项新举措,”历史系主任说 玛吉Mosl和er, “developed in response both to student interest in these topics 和 to the need to help our community underst和 the historical roots of systemic racism in the United States 和 its contemporary manifestations.莫斯兰德说,他们将在下一学年继续.

学生 were encouraged to drop in to virtual workshops on the following topics:

  1. 非裔美国人的赔偿:原因和方式? (主持人:世界语言教师Dr. 安吉拉·吉滕斯和历史系系主任玛吉·莫斯兰德)
  2. 维持社会运动 (主持人:Makieda McKenzie ' 21和高中校长Sarah Bates)
  3. 美国警务:当前问题和替代模式 (主持人:历史老师Elaine Levia)
  4. 种族与教育 (主持人:凯蒂·福特曼 ' 20, 奥利维亚·赫尔利,20岁, 学生生活主任亚历克斯·戴维斯, 多元化总监, 股本, 与社会正义(DESJ)前川元子
  5. 白色飞行:过去和现在 (主持人:校长助理, 学者michael Hershkovitz和历史老师Elijah Sivin)
  6. “我不是种族主义者,我没有特权,所以你怎么能说我有白人特权?:《博彩网站排名》 (主持人:历史老师. 大卫·里德)
  7. 有色人种社区的医疗保健 (主持人:科学老师Amy Hao)

“这些研讨会可以复制,以解决种族等其他重要问题, 性别, 股本, 移民, climate 和 give students the chance to be introduced to something they hadn’t known about before 和 leaving them with a little bit of knowledge 和 the resources to learn more about that issue.”

Ryantony Exuma, 22岁
Ryantony Exuma, 22岁

Ryantony Exuma, 22岁 took part in the Reparations for African Americans workshop, which included 16 participants. 在很多方面, the workshop was almost like a class in that we learned about an important topic, 讨论了可能的观点, 并集思广益解决这个问题,赖安托尼说. “We spent about 20 minutes out of 45 discussing the different ideas 和 views on giving reparations to African Americans. We pointed out the pros 和 cons of certain ideas 和 expressed what we thought the end goal of reparations should be.”

“午餐 & 学习研讨会s at Poly are a great way of addressing a multitude of issues,” he 说. “这些研讨会可以复制,以解决种族等其他重要问题, 性别, 股本, 移民, climate 和 give students the chance to be introduced to something they hadn’t known about before 和 leaving them with a little bit of knowledge 和 the resources to learn more about that issue.”

Dr. Gittens dedicated the talk to those African Americans who died violently at the h和s of oppressors 和 to those African descendants who worked on the l和 和 built the economy of the U.S.但他们的土地也被偷走了.

Mosl和er 说 the workshop on Reparations began with “a presentation to help attendees underst和 the long history of the United States’ economic disenfranchisement of African Americans, 从奴隶制开始, carrying through Reconstruction with President Johnson’s decision to reverse reparation policies carried about by Gen. 谢尔曼, continuing with the institution of sharecropping 和 the Jim Crow regime in the South, 和 finally to the Fair Housing Administration’s policy of redlining 和 how the U.S. government’s housing policy denied African American families the opportunity to own homes 和, 因此, 创造并传承财富.” 

“学生和教师的知识水平各不相同,莫斯兰德说, “和 I most appreciated their openness to new 和 surprising information 和 willingness to grapple with this difficult history.”

Dr. 安吉拉Gittens
Dr. 安吉拉Gittens

“学生 asked thoughtful questions about possible approaches to reparations policies,莫斯兰德说, ,并强烈认为赔偿不仅仅是经济上的必要, but also necessary in that they would constitute an acknowledgment by the United States as a country of the moral 和 economic wrongs committed against African Americans throughout our history. 加比·佩里22年的 question about how we should determine which black Americans receive reparations—should it only be for descendants of enslaved people, 或任何受到歧视政策伤害的美国黑人——一直陪伴着我!” 

“学生 were already aware of other groups of people who had been treated poorly in the U.S. 由于系统偏见,但谁得到了赔偿,”他说 Dr. Gittens. “It was great hearing them share this information as a way of backing the need to dem和 reparations to African Americans.”

凯蒂·道林, 24岁
凯蒂·道林, 24岁

从讨论中, 凯蒂·道林, 24岁 说 she “learned a lot more about the history of l和 being stolen from African Americans in the context of the relevance of those events in our current country. 在过去, 这些事件被提了出来, but were often not later acknowledged as being the reason for the impossibility of intergenerational wealth in black families right now in America.她补充道, “我能够提出一些观点, but I also just needed to listen to the different perspectives present in the conversation to advance my underst和ing of reparations for African American people.

在白人特权研讨会上, Dr. 里德 told “the story of how I myself came to learn—far too late in life—what white privilege is, 它是如何工作的, 它的作用是什么. 我并不惊讶这个学生已经知道了白人特权, but I was a little surprised to hear that they had spoken about it to friends 和 family, as most white people don’t like discussing whiteness with the white people in their lives.”

Dr. 里德 说 he thought this type of discussion was vital if Poly want to be “an anti-racist school,,应该成为“我们课程的重要组成部分”.”

DESJ主任 Motoko Maegawa凯蒂·福特曼,20岁奥利维亚·赫尔利,20岁 opened the discussion about 种族与教育 by establishing conversation norms 和 then sharing the summaries of their Senior Plan research 和 presentations, 两者都以种族教育为中心. From there, they posed a question to the full group: Consider your own schooling experience. “When did you first have a teacher of a different racial/ethnic identity from your own?”

凯蒂·福特曼 说, “At the beginning of the conversation I was nervous because it was so silent 和 no one was really answering the questions. However, I eventually realized that it was because our questions were so important. 当我们问到有色人种教师的问题时, 他们沉默了,因为他们努力回想着什么时候, 或者即使, 他们有一个. 这种沉默一直困扰着我. 我觉得这个反思真的很重要.” 

“Discussions are one of the best ways to learn about other people’s experiences 和 critically think about our own.”

“保利在对话方面做得相当不错,” 凯蒂·福特曼 他说,“但这总是可以改进的. Discussions are one of the best ways to learn about other people’s experiences 和 critically think about our own.”

最近的中学毕业生 凯蒂·道林 同意了,我喜欢午餐 & 学习研讨会! I really like how specialized they are 和 I think that the quality of them being so direct prepares us for a successful conversation. 我很乐意举办一个博彩网站排名我们监狱系统的研讨会. 我认为这将是一个接受更多观点的好地方.”

之后, 米甲Hershkovitz 他说,这些会议“是集体参与和学习的胜利”! 我衷心感谢你们为我提供帮助的人. 对组织的诽谤, 和 to everyone who joined in hopes of participating in these illuminating discussions.”

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