

Sivin 's 夏天 SLT 2024


“最终,我们只会保护我们所爱的东西. 我们只会爱我们所理解的. 我们只会理解我们被教导的东西.” 

- Baba Dioum,塞内加尔环境学家和工程师


在保利内外推广服务文化, 服务学习团队(slt)在教师顾问的指导下提供了一条途径, 上学校 students can think critically about the contemporary issues 和 challenges our local or global community face, 扩展他们的知识, 并练习以解决方案为导向的心态采取行动. 在高中, 我们期望每个学生都能参与服务学习, 毕业时要求最少的服务时间, 通过学校课程完成或在放学后和/或周末独立完成. Flexibility is important to the program in order to create more paths that consider students’ other commitments 和 accommodate their interests in different topics–it’s all about finding the right balance so that service learning can become an adapted practice 和 part of life.

怀亚特·罗斯,27岁Zoë Kim ' 27 工作 电池城市农场.

从2011年开始, there was an inaugural meeting of local service learning directors to address the common message 和 misconception sent to kids that the world is divided into people who need help 和 people who are able to provide help, producing events that are structurally ineffective 和 that reinforce harmful stereotypes (think: bake sale).

Penel gartey, 25岁拉斐尔·温策,26岁 筛选堆肥 前景的农场

志贺样毒素, some beginning as ideas presented by students to Director of 服务 Learning 和 History teacher 以利亚Sivin, 他们关注的话题范围很广吗, 在课程中提升少数族裔的声音, 解决厌女症, 关注即将到来的选举的公民新闻, 可持续发展实践, 还有更多. 由于暑假更灵活的性质, summer 志贺样毒素 provide a special opportunity to connect with local organizations that may require more substantial travel. 在这些实践经验中, 学生直接参与当地社区和自然世界, 这样做的时候, 他们对当代社会和环境问题有了更深的了解. The philosophy of the program is to be solutions-oriented: learning what the needs for change are 和 what actions Poly students can do to enact positive change towards it.


7月, students came back to Dyker Heights for a week of immersion into the world of service learning 和 environmental activism, 作为Sivin每年夏季SLT的一部分. 与理科教员结构相似 克拉克里克特我参加了博彩网站排名可持续发展的夏季SLT, 这一周以创意开始, 实地学习, 继续与当地组织进行实地工作, 最后是反思和口述历史. The course’s structure inspires students to identify challenges within their reach 和 to create actionable plans to solve them. 来自 云可持续发展教育学院 is the value of positive experiences 和 hope as a necessary component of sustainability work with students at Poly.



以利亚Sivin 与学生合作.

开始一周的学习, 鼓励学生以个人和乐观的方式思考可持续发展问题. 他们从一个受可持续发展教育顾问杰米·克劳德启发的练习开始, 在过去的专业发展会议上被介绍给Sivin的. 在这个活动中, 学生们被要求设想他们的生活, 20, 或者30年后的未来, 将会话根植在他们的个人梦想中.

They answered with their hopes to travel, to take care of their parents, to have families, 和更多的. 西文在可持续性方面分享了这一点, 当人们考虑自己的未来时, 他们更有可能乐观地看待未来, 当人们考虑到我们作为一个国家的共同未来时,悲观情绪更有可能出现, 社会还是星球. The goal of Cloud’s exercise is to extend hope 和 empathy toward our shared futures so that all of our dreams can come to fruition, 摆脱我们目前面临的环境和系统不平等的限制. 

与One Love社区冰箱合作

与夏季SLT合作的组织之一是 壹爱社区冰箱 在纽约博彩网站排名. Poly first began a partnership with the organization during the height of the COVID-19 p和emic as Poly community members participated in school events which provided donations to the organization’s local community fridges in Brooklyn. 遵循“拿你需要的东西”, 留下你能留下的哲学, community fridges are a key part of mutual aid projects—outdoor refrigerators where food is freely shared 和 accessible to all. This summer, Poly students partnered with 壹爱社区冰箱 to contribute h和made goods. 他们准备了冷切火鸡和奶酪三明治, 还有素食选择, 在One Love新开的社区空间里,并在附近的社区冰箱里装满了食物. One of the goals of community-focused work with students is to do meaningful work in a practical way 和 at the same time creates a foundation for community work to be continuous.

伊莎贝拉·卡莱尔,26岁, 吉安娜·丹尼斯25岁, 怀亚特·罗斯,27岁, Emma Gordon-MooPenn ' 27, Ava Hedayatnia, 27岁, Zoë Kim ' 27, 凯莱布·林德奎斯特,27岁, Ashi Malhotra ' 25, 艾丹·理查兹,26岁, 安德鲁·锡安27岁, 桑德·斯旺森,26岁, Theodore (Luke) Taliaferro ' 27,Ocean DeGraff ' 25, 欧文·华莱士25岁 at 壹爱社区冰箱 准备食物捐赠给当地社区的冰箱.

博彩网站排名云对我们个人未来的设想, Siven说, “我们需要良好的制度,这样我们每个人都能实现我们想象的梦想. 我们怎么做呢?他鼓励学生们要有行动意识, 想办法加入他们的声音, 并加入其他人的倡导工作——从气候变化的现实出发思考问题, 我们可以在日常生活中做出哪些改变,从而产生更积极的影响.

在学年期间, slt在八周内进行, 平均每周开会两次, 而在夏天, 他们被浓缩成一个星期的强化课程. 在春季,slt通常被设计用于解决“春季大扫除”的季节性趋势.“而许多人正在丢弃他们不再需要的材料, 保利的春季slt举办活动来收集书籍等资源, 服装, 技术, 和更多的, 并捐赠给那些可以重新利用这些材料并减少浪费的组织.“ You may not be able to create immediate change in coal mining but you can make a difference in the institutions around you, 包括这所学校,西文向全班解释道.

杰登·威廉姆斯25岁 Bryson Sylvain, 28岁 修剪薰衣草 前景的农场.

值得注意的是,社交情绪学习在特殊语言学习者中也占有一席之地. 在整个课程中, students are offered resources to identify how they are feeling as new information related to climate change is presented. 全班读诗,如 阿曼达·戈尔曼的《博彩网站排名》伊亚王子的三秒, 为他们提供一个创造性的途径来进一步理解他们对这个话题的看法, as artists model activism from an often optimistic or community-focused perspective through their work.

学生 on ferry to Governors Isl和 to volunteer with 亿只牡蛎项目 和 地球物质.
伊莎贝拉·卡莱尔,26岁, 吉安娜·丹尼斯25岁, 怀亚特·罗斯,27岁, Emma Gordon-MooPenn ' 27, Ava Hedayatnia, 27岁,  Zoë Kim ' 27, 凯莱布·林德奎斯特,27岁, Ashi Malhotra ' 25, 艾丹·理查兹,26岁, 安德鲁·锡安27岁, 桑德·斯旺森,26岁, Theodore (Luke) Taliaferro ' 27,欧文·华莱士25岁 在去总督岛的渡轮上,他们在那里做志愿者 亿只牡蛎项目地球物质.

艺术、心理学和心理健康在保利的可持续发展工作中发挥着重要作用. 在一起, they inspire new ideas for advocacy; they create urgency 和 maintain motivation, 并鼓励健康的习惯,培养与自然世界更深层次的联系. 西文运用了艺术的平衡, 社交情感投入的存在, 目标设定, 自然漫步创造了一种更全面的可持续发展方法.

他还与学生们分享了他的部分个人故事以及与环境的联系, 解释他对可持续发展的承诺. “I came away with the underst和ing that ours is the only planet in the universe that we know sustains life 和 has done it for billions of years by balancing natural systems 和 cycles,他说.


每年, Sivin continues to develop the SLT program through professional development opportunities specific to environmental advocacy. 今年春天,他参加了一个为期三天的会议 气候现实领导团,提供了丰富的信息. He was able to use what he learned as part of his own presentation to Poly students in the summer SLT. 这些信息被分为三类:

  • “我们必须改变”展示了有关气候变化和环境的事实信息.
  • “Can we change” offered scientist 和 research-based solutions to address the issues caused by climate change such as extreme weather conditions, 物质和经济上的高死亡率和破坏率, 预测结果会恶化.
  • “我们会改变吗??,提倡参与.

暑期学习不只是针对他的学生. Sivin keeps himself up to date with the latest in environmental education 和 activist circles through summer professional development sessions on experiential learning, 比如 吉尔德·莱曼美国历史研究所也就是肯尼斯·杰克逊的帝国之城:纽约与美国生活的转变,1877年至今"和"《永远的荒野:镀金时代和进步时代的阿迪朗达克,这两者都强调了走出教室走向世界的好处.

“It’s important that students have a wide range of experiences where they can relate to something they’ve done, 一个他们去过的地方, or topical conversations they’ve had with different people in order to create deeper resonance 和 meaning around the work. 夏天是他们更容易实现这一目标的机会,”西文反映道.


“Helping 和 being involved with various sustainability organizations has sparked an interest in sustainability that I never knew I had说:“ 佐伊·金27岁. “今年夏天有充足的空闲时间, 我一直在思考,在我剩下的高中生涯中,我想把重点放在什么上, 也可能是我以后感兴趣的东西. 虽然我还没有一个明确的答案, 可持续发展吸引了我的注意力,激起了我的好奇心. This week’s experiences have encouraged me to explore the various opportunities in sustainability during the school year 和 next summer. 很难表达这个可持续发展项目对我的影响有多大.”

“这段经历确实影响了我,我向其他保利学生推荐(slt). 这是一种培养目标感的方式。 Ocean DeGraff ' 25. “在将蛤蜊壳和牡蛎壳分开或从牡蛎壳堆中扔垃圾之后, 我感到幸福,因为这是一种同理心. We are helping millions of oysters with recycled shells to build new reefs so that they can grow. 这是我为什么推荐服务学习机会的一个小例子. 有同理心感觉很好.”

Emma Gordon-MooPenn ' 27Zoë Kim ' 27 清理壳桩处 亿只牡蛎项目.

“This week changed my perspective 和 opinions of climate change 和 sustainability in general. 当我想到我们星球的未来时,我曾经非常沮丧, 了解我们的政府和社会, it is very difficult to make substantial progress… When I got to experience the h和s-on work that people are dedicating their time 和 energy to just to hopefully inspire others 和 get the scale of change to grow, 它给了我希望,激励了我.说:“ Emma Gordon-MooPenn ' 27. “我可能并不一定想从事(环境可持续性方面的)职业道路。, 但我确实想通过帮助我的社区采取主动来做出一些积极的改变……”
